Thursday, December 21, 2006


New Years is my favorite holiday. I love it for many reasons...

Below is a list of questions I find useful in looking back and forward with presence...


· What was my biggest triumph?
· What was the smartest decision I made?
· What one word best sums up the year?
· What was the greatest lesson I learned?
· What was the most loving service I performed?
· What is my biggest piece of unfinished business?
· What am I most happy about completing?
· Who were the 3 people that had the greatest impact on me this year?
· What was the biggest risk I took?
· What was my biggest surprise?
· What important relationship improved the most?
· What compliment would I have liked to receive?
· What do I need to say or do to be complete about the year?


· What would I like my biggest triumph to be in the coming year?
· What advice would I like to give myself?
· What are my financial aims to the year to come?
· What am I most committed to completing?
· What major indulgence am I willing to experience?
· What would I most like to transform within myself?
· What am I looking forward to learning?
· What risks will I be willing to take?
· What is an undeveloped talent I am willing to explore?
· What brings me the most joy? How will I experience that in the coming year?
· Who or what am I committed to loving and serving?
· What word will I have as my theme in the upcoming year?
I wish all of you a delightful new year filled with love, light and levity!


I left India on the 10th of December and headed to Europe for work and pleasure. In India there was no sign of the Christmas holidays or weather below 60 degrees which shifted drastically as I arrived in London. After a brisk two days in the UK , I flew to Brussels, Belgium (where waffles and I were born). Gina and I spent two days there and then took the train to Paris for five days of R&R. I am now back in the US and here until mid January. I am delighted to be reconnected phyiscally with family and friends during this traditional time of gathering.