My backpacking adventure started with a dizzying flight itinerary. I flew from Denver to Atlanta to Lima and finally arrived in Cuzco after about 24 hours of travel time. I spent a day in Cuzco which is a nice travelers mecca before heading on a four day trek to Matchu Pitcchu. The trek was incredible! On the way to MP we mountain biked down a 12,000ft high mountain, rode the highest zip line in all of South America and soaked our tired muscles in hot springs. The evening of day 3 we arrived at Aquas Caliente the town at the based of MP. That night we had dinner and retired early as our hike up to MP began at 3am. The hike up was grueling however we all were fueled with adrenaline by the anticipation of viewing one of the wonders of the world. MP lived up to all its hype and was breathtaking. While there we also hiked Wyna Pitcchu which is the mountain in the background of the picture above. It offers amazing views of MP from above. After the MP experience we headed back to Cuzco for a day of R&R including a blissful massage for 3 USD.
At this point, I was traveling with my pal Seth who had limited time in Peru so we wasted no time and got back on the road. We hopped an overnight bus to Puno which is where Lake Titicaca rests, the highest navigable lake in the world. The next day we spent on a boat cruising the lake and exploring the surrounding islands many of which are man made with natives living on them that we got to spend time with. After an action packed day we caught yet another bus to the southern town of Arequipa where we got our 1st showers and beds for 3 days. Arequipa is a charming city which many comforts that we partook in gleefully after being knackered from our travels. While in Arequipa I tasted many of the Peruvian fare; pollo la brasa, ceviche, llama and guinea pig (yes you read that correctly guinea pig). After two days in Arequipa Seth departed for the States and now I am preparing for a 14 hour bus ride to La Paz, Bolivia. Peru has been great and I know a return visit is in my future.