It is that time of year again...A period to reflect and process the year that has been completed and look forward to create vision to propel us towards a fulfilling 2012. I offer these questions as a vehicle to revisit 2011 and create a road map for your travels in 2012.
Completing This Year -2011
What was my biggest triumph?
What was the smartest decision I made?
What one word best sums up the year?
What was the greatest lesson I learned?
What was the most loving service I performed?
What is my biggest piece of unfinished business?
What am I most happy about completing?
Who were the 3 people that had the greatest impact on me this year?
What was the biggest risk I took?
What was my biggest surprise?
What important relationship improved the most?
What compliment would I have liked to receive?
What do I need to say or do to be complete about the year?
What would I like my biggest triumph to be in the coming year?
What advice would I like to give myself?
What are my financial aims to the year to come?
What am I most committed to completing?
What major indulgence am I willing to experience?
What would I most like to transform within myself?
What am I looking forward to learning?
What risks will I be willing to take?
What is an undeveloped talent I am willing to explore?
What brings me the most joy?
How will I experience that in the coming year?
Who or what am I committed to loving and serving?
What word will I have as my theme in the upcoming year?