After living in India for five months I returned to the US with A concert tour like schedule. DC, Colorado, Delaware, New Jersey, New York City, Orlando and Atlanta were my destinations over the course of three blurry weeks. I immediately became aware of how organized, calm and clean the US is; on the surface. Highlights of the trip were reconnecting with family and friends, my good friends Tom and Becky’s wedding, enjoying the Falls kaleidoscope of fleeting colors, getting to indulge my senses in simple pleasures not available in India and co-authoring the 1st two chapters of what

I think will be an amazing story ….
There is a intense battle of tug of war between my heart and head as I think about my future and choices to be made.
Comfort is calming, Chaos is Challenging, which path would you take?
1 comment:
This battle you have with your heart and head...hummmmm God gaves us our hearts/souls to balance out our head/minds. Our hearts will leap out, take a chance, and live for the moment, guided by, some unseen force, which I believe is God. The mind on the other hand can be troublesome, over thinking..everything, it's great with the "What Ifs" of our life. It can dictate everything in our lives until we're not sure what choice to make. Why? Because of the "WHAT IFS". Maybe I won't take a chance, I don't know where it might lead me? But, isn't that what life is all about, taking chances and at the end of our life, saying to ourselves, now I had a life that LIVED.... So I say, the heart really knows whats best for you. It's the nerve center of WHO and WHAT you are. So trust in your heart!!! Good or Bad the outcome, your heart will see you through. It's where PASSION comes from and whats life, if it doesn't have PASSION in it????
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