The city overflows with culture.... a flood of art, food & drink, architecture, music, dance and so much more swept me up on an intoxicating ride... like a child at an amusement park I want to do it again.
There are treats sprinkled all over the city and its surroundings....Here are some of my favs from my visit
Trip to Matalan, The heartland of Mezcal and visiting the haciendas and tasting various mezcals the tranditional way with a chaser of orange slices sprinkle with spicey worm salt.
Participating in a Temezcal which is similiar to the native american sweet lodge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temazcal
Stay in two wonderful places; The camino real http://www.camino-real-oaxaca.com/index.html which once upon a time was a convent and a b&b called las bugambilias: http://www.lasbugambilias.com/bugambi1.htm a wonderful oaxacan vibe and excellent service.
The Food!!!! Words cannot describe this culinary treats that are available. It is "the land of 7

Of all my travels throughout Mexico to pueblas, Oaxaca City sits proudly at the head of the table. It is a must for any avid traveler.
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