I was reminded of this when training and running my 1st marathon. In a literal race it is natural to want to finish as fast as possible. I recall runners constantly asking me: What’s your time goal? I was clear that my goal was to finish and slow and steady would be the way. I had to reorient myself to not worry about my time, people passing me or allow any negative competitive energy enter into my thoughts, more important was how I felt. Essentially it was about running my own race. This rings true not only in my running but also how I approach life.
The “race” of life is personal. Run your own race, not one that is imposed on you by deceptive external elements.
Many people I spoke to who had run marathons told me stories of how painful the experience was. Personally, I really enjoyed my experience and was able to get into a flow state. It didn’t hurt that the course was predominately along the beautiful coast of Maui.Marathon running like most things in life is a mental game. Whether you think you can or you think you cant you are right. In the highly recommended book Born to Run, the author talks about the 1 consistent element of the vast majority of world class runners…they smile while running. You should have seen me race day I had a grin from ear to ear...
Run your own race AND enjoy the process, if not what’s the point?
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