Saturday, December 11, 2010

Less is More

Many relationships in my life have changed this year. One in particular was my relationship to stuff. Backpacking through Latin America the year before taught me great lessons about how much we really need to get by.

I learned less is more and simplicity is a pillar of happiness.

However, over the years I had accumulated many things. Part of this was due to the fact when I moved twice in the past I put things in storage and vowed to return and claim my precious keepsakes.

That time came this year in a serendipitous fashion....My things from two different chapters of my life all collided in my cozy loft. The places I have lived in the past had been about 3 times the size so imagine only having space for 1/6 of your stuff. Saying that I was overwhelmed when the movers unloaded all the boxes is a serious understatement. The process of sifting through my things was draining. Everything had emotional triggers. Pictures, Books, Handicrafts, Letters, Clothing, CD's and so on...

I avoided the process for a few days and then slowly began to decide what to keep and what to let go of. As the process progressed it became easier and easier. In fact about half way through I found the emotional weight of things I thought I wanted to keep was gone. I ended up giving away or selling 70% of my belongings.

At the end of the process I felt incredibly light and liberated.

1 comment:

Andrew Foote said...

I feel you D. Got to keep it minimal and light. I personally cannot hold onto anything that I don't use regularly. Such is city life. Quite liberating though...

Love that you are keeping the blog going. Always good to see what you are up to!