Friday, July 28, 2006

Breaking Free

Expectations and assumptions are the handcuffs that bind me to the jail cell of regret.

I often find myself embarrassed by frustration like a parent projecting their anger onto an innocent child. A wise person said about India, In order to TRULY experience India you must surrender to her. I reckon the same goes for anything, especially love.

I am learning…here are a few observations I would like to share…

When people shake hands they hold the embrace longer, like someone hugs a loved they don’t know when they are going to see again. The 1st few times people did not let go of my hand after what I deemed a suitable 1-3 second timeframe, I felt very uncomfortable. Now I have made it a practice, as it creates a channel for the energy of me and the other increasing our connection.

India’s climate is very hot. The heat certainly effects how people live and creates a greater appreciation for simple pleasures. A bottle of beer, water or any other beverage is presented to you like a fine wine at restaurant. Not for you to approve its taste rather its temperature.

In addition, the breeze in India is like a whisper for someone you’re in love with.

Eye Contact aka Staring
In the US, often times I would feel the gaze of a stranger and when I would turn to meet it, the stare retracted immediately if not quicker. One of the cultural mores that I was taught is that staring is rude. In India however, Eyes that breathe intoxicating fire and do not waver are beginning to melt my frozen heart. Initially, I was angered by the constant stares now I absorb the gazes and sense their harmless curiosity.

It is common practice to eat with your right hand in India. My 1st trip here in 2000 was the introduction to the custom and I enjoyed it. Many people find it barbaric or un-sanitary. I find it an incredibly sensual. It awakens the nerve endings in my fingers, I physically feel the temperature of the food and its texture and giving me a more holistic experience. The end of the meal brings a “finger bowl”. The finger bowl is a bowl filled with hot water and a lime wedge. It is used like a hot towel at the end of a Chinese meal to cleanse your hands. What a great way to end a meal!