I was reminded of this when training and running my 1st marathon. In a literal race it is natural to want to finish as fast as possible. I recall runners constantly asking me: What’s your time goal? I was clear that my goal was to finish and slow and steady would be the way. I had to reorient myself to not worry about my time, people passing me or allow any negative competitive energy enter into my thoughts, more important was how I felt. Essentially it was about running my own race. This rings true not only in my running but also how I approach life.
The “race” of life is personal. Run your own race, not one that is imposed on you by deceptive external elements.
Many people I spoke to who had run marathons told me stories of how painful the experience was. Personally, I really enjoyed my experience and was able to get into a flow state. It didn’t hurt that the course was predominately along the beautiful coast of Maui.Marathon running like most things in life is a mental game. Whether you think you can or you think you cant you are right. In the highly recommended book Born to Run, the author talks about the 1 consistent element of the vast majority of world class runners…they smile while running. You should have seen me race day I had a grin from ear to ear...
Run your own race AND enjoy the process, if not what’s the point?
Do not stand at my grave a weep
For I am not there
I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamonds glint on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn’s rain
In the soft bush of the morning light
I am the swift bird in flight
Don’t stand at my grave and cry
I am not there
I did not die
-unknown Native American author
David Broder called him "a bomb thrower"... The Wall Street Journal claimed he was the "assassin" of all things right wing.
Many of the household names in progressive politics and movement advocacy were launched and built under his guidance: the first organization, Common Cause, in 1969, and then the National Organization for Women, Greenpeace, Amnesty, NARAL, Handgun Control, Inc. (now the Brady Campaign), the World Wildlife Fund, Environmental Defense and dozens of others.
Older organizations were relaunched by him: the ACLU, the League of Women Voters, the Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood and The Wilderness Society. In the fray of Watergate, he won a place on Nixon,s enemys list for his work exposing the brown bag contributions to CREEP, the Committee to Re-elect the President.
Roger, whose Washington watchword is "no permanent friends, no permanent enemies", designed and built the direct mail programs for the DNC, the DSCC and the DCCC. Despite these lucrative contracts, he shocked the consulting community by resigning from these accounts as a matter of principle. He left the DNC in 1986 over a disagreement with the lobbying practices of its leadership. In 1987, he left the DCCC over Jim Wright,s ethics challenges involving a book deal, and in 1992, he walked away from the DSCC over its leadership,s hesitancy to support Anita Hill and stand up against Clarence Thomas, nomination.
Roger and his firm, Craver, Mathews, Smith & Company, raised record amounts of money in the late ,70s for key Democratic candidates � Frank Church, George McGovern, Birch Bayh, John Culver. In 1976, he raised record amounts for the presidential campaign of Mo Udall and again in 1980 for Ted Kennedy,s and John Anderson,s presidential races.
In 1987, Roger and Republican consultant Doug Bailey founded The Hotline – today the preeminent daily online presence on American politics. The Hotline counts among many alumni Chuck Todd, currently the political director of NBC News.
A pioneer who wont quit, Roger founded Public Interest Communications, the first large telemarketing firm for advocacy and progressive politics, in 1975, then The Hotline in 1987. Then, in 1995, he founded New Media Publishing, the first Internet company to build websites and update them daily for clients such as WWF International, the International Red Cross, UNICEF and the Feminist Majority, along with 25 other organizations.
Today, Roger is the founder of DonorTrends, a company providing fundraising intelligence, predictive models and market research to the nonprofit and political communities. diMobile is his latest company, building mobile engagement applications for the next generation of activists and hell-raisers.
Roger publishes the daily blog TheAgitator.net, is a summa cum laude graduate of Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and holds a summa cum laude JD from GW,s National Law Center. Today, he is working on the organization that will elect our next president, Americans Elect
Wherever I go there I am